Air Pollution Control

Most of the industries belch out tonnes of smoke into our atmosphere. In our effort to minimize the threat to the atmosphere and the ozone layer, we have an array of turnkey services, technologies and consultancyservicesto offer. We also provide our clients with systems to help them cut down on the air pollution that they cause. The range of such systems include:
Air Cooling
Fume Extraction
Spray Painting Booths
Pneumatic Conveyance
Dust Proofing
Dust Collection
Powder Coating & Recovery Booths
Kitchen Fume Exhaust System
We also have an exclusive range of equipment to make the task of air pollution control easier. These are:
Centrifugal Fans
ID & FD Fans
Axial Flow Fans
Roof Exhausters
Wet Collectors
Limit Load Fans
High Pressure Fans
Bifurcators Fans
Dust Collectors
Bag Filters (Manual/Automatic/pulse jet)
Unit Dust Collectors
Air Curtains
Industrial Man Coolers(Pedestal, wall & tubular type)